Product A to Z
The following shows all the products currently available through this website.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Z | Other
- A Handbook of Contact Lens Management
- A.D.O. Rule
- A1waterbase pavement sign
- A5 Wallet
- ABDO Rule
- Aberdeen
- Accura CX
- Acrylic display units
- Adapter for Topcon phoropter arm
- Adjustable frame bars shop fit
- Adlers Physiology of the Eye
- Allegro frames
- Amsler test chart
- An Atlas of Ophthalmoc Surgery
- Ancar Motorised Ophthalmic Table
- Anna Sui glasses case box/10
- Anterior segment adapter lens
- Anterior segment eye disease
- Any view Vertex computer aided viewing system
- aperture sets
- Applanation tonometer
- arden contrast sensitivity test plates
- Area Centralis
- Arthur - Large
- Arthur - Medium
- Artwork Charge
- Assorted Optifra Rimless Frames x14
- Atlas Model:9000 - Corneal Topography/parts only
- Auto Fundus camera NEXY
- Auto lensmeter
- Auto Perimeter
- Auto Refract/kerat Grand SeikoGR3500KA
- Autolensmeter
- Autolensmeter Topcon CL-200
- Automatic Edge Polisher
- Autorefractometer/ keratometer GrandSeiko GR-3300K
- Autorefractor
- Autorefractors NIDEK ARK-F
- Avery Pricing Gun with rolls
- B & S Digital Pupilometer
- B & S Drilling Centre
- B & S Table Drilling Machine plus accessories
- B & S Universal Dust Collector
- Baby/ toddler trial frame
- Battery Charger for old style Keeler Battery Handl
- Belmont Patient Chair
- Belmont Testing Chair
- Bennett's Ophthalmic Prescription Work
- Bennett’s Ophthalmic Prescription Work
- Berens Prism Set
- Berkshire Labs Mechanical Engraver
- Bespoke 2 Volk Case
- Bespoke 4or 5 Volk Case
- Bespoke Opticians Reception Desk
- Block Charge
- blood pressure monitor
- blood pressure monitor
- Bobes Lensmeter Guagemaster
- BOBES Slit lamp
- Book
- Books
- boxed set cross cyls 0.25/0.50/0.75 1.00
- BPI Computer Cal UV Photometer
- BPI Mini Tank 6 tint bath
- BPI Tint unit accessories
- Brand new HFA3 830
- Branded Kangol Frames Lot - 7
- Briot 6000 Glazing Machine
- Briot Accura *NOT WORKING*
- Briot Accura Cx Pro
- Briot Accura glazing machine Not working
- Briot Acurras Pro
- Briot Evolution Edger
- Briot Scanform 6000 Edger and Tracer
- Budget Frame Heater
- Budget Frame Heater
- BULK BUY Reading Glasses - Black/Brown - Low Cost
- Bullet Case
- Burton lamp Birmingham optical
- Business Aspects of Optometry
- Business Aspects of Optometry
- Canon CR-DGi Non-Mydriatic Retinal Camera
- Canon CR6 fundus camera
- Canon DGi Camera
- Canon DGI Non mydriatic
- Canon Fundus Camera
- Canton Combi Unit
- Car Registration Plate
- Carl Zeiss Humphrey FDT for parts
- Carl Zeiss Humphrey Matrix 715 Visual Field Loss A
- Carousel
- Carton Keratometer
- cases
- Cataract referral & Management
- Centrostyle Drilling System
- Cerium Tints
- Chair With Wheels
- Char projector Nidek CP-770 G type
- Chart Carry Case
- Chart projector Topcon ACP-7EM
- Cherished number plate
- Children's glass cases
- Children's Trial Frame
- Childrens - Oculus Half-eye Trial Frame Adjustable
- Childrens Frame bar
- Childs recognition test
- Chroma-HYD Hydraulic Chair
- Ciom Lens Set 105/N
- CIOM trial lens set
- city colour vision test
- City Rule
- City rule
- City University Colour Vision Test NO VAT
- Clear vinyl price labels
- Clear vision Frames
- ClearView cctv
- Clement Clarke Drop cell Trial Frame
- Clinical Anatomy of The Eye
- Clinical decision making & The management of cont
- Clinical Diagnosis Optometry
- Clinical Management of Binocular Vision
- Clinical Procedures in Primary Eye Care
- Clinical procedures in primary eye care D Elliot
- Clinical Visual Optics
- Clinical Visual Optics
- Clinical Visual Optics 4th Edition
- Clinical visual optics by Bennett and Rabbetts
- CNC Optidrill
- CNC Optidrill
- Cobra HD fundus camera
- Colour LCD Screen for LEX1000
- Combi and Instruments
- Combi unit with equipment
- Combi unit with keratometer and slit lamp complete
- Combi Unit with Slit Lamp
- Compact and duo filtration
- complete lab setup, all in good working order
- Complete with ... /bx 250
- Computer LensMeter
- Confirmation stick
- Confirmation stick +/- 0.25
- confirmation stick +/-0.25
- Conformation flippers full set NO VAT
- Consultation Room Sign x2
- Consulting room chair
- Contact lens book
- Contact Lens Complications & E-Book
- Contact Lens Complications, 3e, Nathan Efron
- Contact Lens Complications-Nathon Effron
- Contact Lens Practice
- Contact Lens Practice + E-Book
- Contact Lens Practice by Nathan Efron
- Contact lens solution
- Contact Lenses
- Contact Lenses + E-Book. 6th Edition
- Contact Lenses 4th edition
- Contact lenses Treatment Options for Ocular Diseas
- Continental frames
- Copy of Kanski
- Countertop display - rotating
- Countertop displays
- cross cyl 0.25
- cross cyl 0.25
- cross cyl set 0.25/0.50 cased
- cross cyl with + & - 0.25 confirmation lenses
- Cross cyls
- Crystalvue NFC-700 Automatic Non-Mydriatic Retinal
- CSO Keratometer JVL-1 ophthalmometer
- Cso keratometer JVL-1 ophthalmometer
- CSO ophthalmometer JVL/1
- CSO SL 990/5 Slit Lamp
- CSO SL9900 LED Slit Lamp with Wratten Filter
- CSO Slit Lamp 990 / 5X
- CSO slit lamp with electric desk
- Curved mirrors
- Damato Fieldscreener - 30 Point
- Delta Table
- Desktop ophthalmoscope
- DIA auto lens groover, model AG-5
- Diabetes
- Dicon LD 400 Autoperimeter with printer
- Dicon LD 400 Field Machine
- DICON LD 400 Inc. Printer, Table & Manual
- Dicon LD400
- Dicon ld400 - Spares and Repairs
- Dicon LD400 Autoperimeter
- Dicon LD400 Autoperimeter
- Dicon LD400 With Printer.
- Dicon TKS 5000
- Dicon TKS 5000 Visual Field Screener
- Dicon Visual fields
- Dicon/Printer for spares
- Dictionary of optometry and visual science
- Dictionary of Optometry and Visual Science
- Digital 1.0x Volk Lens
- Digital Clearfield Blue
- Digital ClearMag
- Digital High Mag Lens Black
- Digital High Mag Lens Blue
- Digital High Mag Lens Gold
- Digital High Mag Lens Green
- Digital High Mag Lens Purple
- Digital High Mag Lens Red
- Digital High Mag Lens Silver
- Digital pupilometer Shin Nippon PD-82
- Digital Refractor CDR 3100
- Digital WideField & Digital 1.0x Volk Lens Set
- Digital WideField & Digital Hi-Mag Lens Set
- Digital WideField Volk Lens Black
- Digital WideField Volk Lens Blue
- Digital WideField Volk Lens Gold
- Digital WideField Volk Lens Green
- Digital WideField Volk Lens Purple
- Digital WideField Volk Lens Red
- Digital WideField Volk Lens Silver
- Dina
- Diopsys portable electrodiagnostic system
- Display units
- Distance & N/V Domiciliary Test
- domicilary case
- Domiciliary Frames x 21
- Domiciliary Kit - Premier-Metal
- Domiciliary Kit - premier-plastic
- Domiciliary Kit Sussex vision
- Domiciliary test chart
- Domiciliary Test Chart
- Domicilliary test chart
- Double Aspheric Diagnostic Lens 20D
- Double Aspheric Diagnostic Lens 78D
- Double Aspheric Diagnostic Lens 90D
- Double Table
- Draw Set
- Drop Cell Trial Frame
- drs automatic fundus camera
- Drs fundus camera
- DRS fundus camera
- DRS Fundus Camera
- DRS Fundus Camera with fault
- DS5000
- Duane ophthalmology set
- Dusk
- Easy Scan SLO
- EasyScan Fundus Camera
- EasyScan SLO Camera
- Eclipse
- eger stressometer
- Eiko bulb 41366
- Electric table
- Electric Table
- Electric table for 1 or 2 instruments NEW
- Electric table for 2 instruments NEW
- Electric table for perimeter NEW
- Electric table NEW
- Electric testing chair
- Electronic Table
- Elliot - Medium
- Elliot Large
- Elliot Large
- Equipment table
- Essential Contact Lens Practice
- Essential Contact Lens Practice
- Essentials of Dispensing ABDO
- Essilor CPE-60
- Essilor CS 550 Chart
- Essilor Drill accesories
- Essilor Kappa 2011
- Essilor Mr Blue 2.0 auto blocker as new
- Essilor Mr Blue 2.0 blocker with Essibox
- Essilor Neksia Edger and Tracer
- Essilor Neksia RC Auto Edger
- Essilor ProE600 edger 2018
- Essilor Retina 800
- Essilor Tess tracer
- Essilor tess tracer
- Essilor Tess Tracer
- Essilor TESS tracer L12031
- Essilor Visioffice 2
- Essilor Visioffice X
- Eugene Wolf's Anatomy of the Eye and Orbit
- Eugene Wolff's Anatomy of the Eye and Orbit
- Examination Chair
- Examination Chair
- Eye Examination and Refraction
- Eye model in orbit 7 parts
- Fairbanks Facial Gauge
- Farnsworth D15 Colour Test
- FDT Patient response button
- FDT / C20 Visual Fields
- File Cupboard
- Fincham Sutcliffe Scotometer Control Box and torch
- Fincham-Sutcliife Field screener
- Finished Lenses
- First Aid Manual
- Fixation disparity unit
- Fixation Disparity Unit
- Floor mounted mirror
- Focimeter
- Focimeter
- Focimeter - for parts
- Focimeter Magnon LM350
- Focimeter Magnon LM350
- Frame Bars
- Frame Bars
- Frame Bars - Job Lot
- Frame bars / rods
- Frame Cabinets and bars
- Frame displaplastic panels
- Frame display and storage unit
- Frame Display Clips
- Frame display cube
- Frame display lockable wall units
- Frame display panel
- Frame display wall lights
- Frame displays and dispensing desks
- Frame Fixture and Fittings
- Frame heater
- Frame Heater
- Frame Heater
- Frame Heater
- frame heater replacement cup
- Frame Price Only /bx 250
- frame rod display
- Frame stock from practice closure
- Frames
- Frames
- Frames
- Frames
- Frastema Chair
- Frastema Combi Unit and Instruments NO VAT!
- frastema Combi unit with locking table
- Frastema Double Table
- Frastema Patient Chair
- Frastema Phoropter Arm
- Frastema Single Table
- Free Nhs Stickers /bx 250
- Free NHS Stickers bx/250
- Free second pair stickers /bx 250
- Free Standing Frame Display
- Free standing screen
- Free with voucher /bx 250
- Freestanding Frame display unit.
- Frisby pocket stereo portable test NO VAT
- Frisby stereo test
- Full aperture trial lens set and carry case
- Full Aperture Trial Lens Set in Case
- Full aperture trial set
- Full wall frame display
- Fun kids fixation kit
- Fundus camera
- Fundus camera AFC330
- Fundus camera and table
- Fundus Camera Canon DGI for Parts
- Fundus Camera CR-DGi
- Fundus camera NW65
- Fundus Camera NW6S
- Fundus Camera NW8 Topcon
- Fundus Camera Topcon NW5S
- Fundus camera Topcon TRC NW-400
- fundus camera WIN 10 compatible
- G-1 Mirror Glass Trabeculum Lens Flange AR Coating
- G-4 Mirror Hi Mag No Flange (Small Ring)
- G-4 Mirror High Mag no Flange Large Ring
- G-4 Mirror High Mag with Flange
- G-4 Mirror High Mag with handle
- G2 2 mirror Gonio lens with/without flange
- G6 - Gonio Lens Large Ring
- G6 - Gonio Lens with handle
- Gant Ander - Titanium 55/17
- Gant Bianca
- Gant Burke 50/17
- Gant Carmel 52/16
- Gant Emina 50/16
- Gant Leroy 51/19
- Gant Mason 52/16
- Gant Pucara 50/17
- Gant Rugger Garvey 49/18
- Gas Lift Stool
- Glass Display Cabinet
- Glass Display Unit
- Glass frame display Unit
- Glass lenses
- glasses cabinet
- Glasses display cabinet
- Glaucoma Identification and Co-management
- Glaucoma Therapy
- Goldman Applanation tonometer
- Goldman Tonometer
- Grafton Optical Trial Lenses Case
- Greiner Opthalmology Chair
- Grolman Fitting System American Optical
- Guess 1493 49/18
- Guess 1517 51/17
- Guess 1537
- Guess 1693 54/18
- Guess 2214 51/18
- Haag Streit 900 M/Q Tonometer
- Haag Streit 900 M/Q
- Haag Streit Bern 900 Tonometer
- Haag Streit Bern Appalnation Tonometer
- Haag Streit Bern Tonometer Swiss Made
- Haag Streit Goldman Tonometer 900.4.2.106045 with
- Haag Streit perimeter Octopus 311 for parts
- Haag streit Slit Lamp
- Haag Streit Slit Lamp
- Haag Streit Slit Lamp Bulb
- Haag Streit Tonometer 900.4.1 Goldmann applanation
- Haag Streit Visutron 900 Plus
- Haag-Streit Bern Tonometer with stand
- Haag-Streit Bern Tonometer with stand (without cal
- Haag-Streit Tonometer Bi Prism & Caliberation Rod
- Haagstreet slit lamp bulbs
- Halifax
- Hamblin Retinoscope
- Hamblin Streak Retinoscope
- Hamblin streak Retinoscope
- Hamblin Vintage Ophthalmoscope in keeler box
- Hamblin Vintage Ophthalmoscope with case
- Hand Edger
- Hand Edger
- Hand Edger
- hand edger
- Hand edger (Top Feed)
- Hand held Easyton tonometer
- Hand held tonometer EASYTON
- Hand-held auto keratometer Nidek KM-500
- Handy NM-200D
- Hanson Single Table - As new
- Happy
- Harley
- Head ornaments
- Heidelberg Engineering Cyl. +1D....+6D optometry l
- Heidelberg HRTII
- Heilderberg Engineering Set of Cylinder +1D...+6D
- Heine Alpha, Ophthalmoscope/Otoscope set in nice c
- heine beta 200 ophthalmoscope
- Heine BETA200 Conventional Diagnostic Set | 1 BETA
- HEINE DELTA 20 Dermatoscope
- HEINE K180 Beta 4 Diagnostic Set Otoscope & Ophtha
- Heine Mini 3000 Otoscope
- Heine Mini Microflex2 Opthalmoscope
- Heine Ophthalmoscope and Otoscope with case
- HEINE OPTOTECHNIK : Ophthalmoscope BETA 200/3,5V H
- Heine Otoscope And Ophthalmoscope
- Henson 3000 field screener
- Henson 3000 visual field machine
- Henson 3500
- Henson 6000
- Henson 6000 Compact
- Henson 6000 compact for spares
- Henson 6000 visual field machine with Table
- Henson 6001 Field Screener
- Henson 7000
- HENSON 7000
- Henson field screener Bowl Only
- Hertel Mirror-Exophthalmometer
- Hi Res Widefield Lens
- Hikco vernier calipers
- Hotv Optotypes Eye Chart
- HRR Pseudoischromatic Test
- HS Slit Lamp
- HS slit lamp BM900
- HTO Visual Acuity Card 3m
- Human Physiology: from cells to systems
- Humphrey 720i
- Humphrey 720i USB
- Humphrey 720i Visual Fields Machine
- Humphrey Field Analyser 720i
- Humphrey Field Analyser 720i
- Humphrey Field Analyzer 740i
- Humphrey Matrix Zeiss. For parts or spares
- Humphrey VFA 720
- Humphrey’s 2Analyser 720i
- Humphreys Peripheral Field Analyzer
- Huvitz
- Huvitz auto refractor MRK3100
- Huvitz blocker and glazing machine
- Huvitz CDC 4000 chart
- Huvitz Chart projector CCP-3100
- Huvitz cpe 4000 patternless edger
- Huvitz Edger
- Huvitz Edger & Autoblocker
- Huvitz Edger + Tracer
- Huvitz Excelon Edger
- Huvitz HLM-1 Lensmeter
- Huvitz HPE-410 and HAB-8000X
- Huvitz lens tracer and 2x edgers
- HUVITZ Lensmeter 3100
- HUVITZ Phoropter and Space Saver Chart
- Huvitz Tracer CFR 3000 + CPE 3000 Excelon
- Ibiza
- Icare DRSPlus confocal fundus camera
- Icare Probes bx/100
- icare tonometer probes 100 pcs disposable
- Includes single vision /30
- indirect ophthalmoscope
- indirect ophthalmoscope
- Indo Demosol
- Industrial Vision Tester.
- Instrument stand and refractor head
- instrument table
- Instrument table
- Instrument table - electric
- Instrument tables
- Introduction to Visual Optics
- Introduction to Visual Optics
- intuitive Overlays
- Investigative Techniques
- IR Domi Chart with DFDU
- Ishihara 24 plate NO VAT
- Ishihara 38 plate edition
- Ishihara 38 plate edition
- ishihara colour vision chart
- Ishihara Colour Vision Test 24 Plate
- Ishihara Colour Vision Test 38 Plate
- Ishihara's Colour deficiency test book 24 plates e
- Ishihara's Tests for Colour Deficiency
- Ishihara+Sheridan+Burr
- Kanski Clinical Ophthalmology
- Kanski Clinical Ophthalmology (Vl edition)
- KAT - Keeler Applanation Tonometer - 'Take-Away-T'
- Kay Picture Test 3m
- Keeler Retinoscope and Ophthalmoscope
- Keeler Specialist Opthalmascope and Retinoscope
- Keeler 2.8V Practitioner Diagnostic Set
- Keeler 2.8V Practitioner Diagnostic Set (1729-P-10
- Keeler 2.8V Practitioner Diagnostic Set (1729-P-10
- Keeler 2401-P-2698 Tonometer SN07060398
- Keeler 3.5v Halogen Ophthalmoscope Bulbs 2 pack
- Keeler 3.5v halogen ophthalmoscope, 2 bulbs
- Keeler 3.5v Spot Ret Bulbs
- Keeler 3.6V Specialist Opthalmascope
- Keeler All Pupil II indirect ophthalmoscope
- Keeler All Pupil Indirect Ophthalmoscope Binocular
- Keeler binocular ophthalmoscope
- Keeler Charger Unit
- Keeler D-KAT Tonometer (T-type)
- Keeler Double Lithium Charger
- Keeler Halogen 28 Specialist Ophthalmoscope set
- Keeler Intellipuff
- Keeler intellipuff excellent condition NO VAT
- Keeler KAT T-Type
- Keeler Lithium Charger
- Keeler Lithium Handle and Battery 3.6V
- Keeler logmar crowded test
- Keeler MK2 Ophthalmic panel light chart
- Keeler Ophthalmoscope
- Keeler Ophthalmoscope
- Keeler ophthalmoscope /otoscope set
- Keeler ophthalmoscope and otoscope
- keeler ophthalmoscope and otoscope
- Keeler Ophthalmoscope and Otoscope with spare bulb
- Keeler Ophthalmoscope Standard
- keeler ophthalmoscope with box
- Keeler Opthalmoscope
- Keeler opthalmoscope and otoscope Standard Portabl
- Keeler Opthalmoscope and Otoscope with Replacement
- Keeler opthalmoscope and otoscope with spare bulb
- Keeler opthalmoscope with spare bulb
- Keeler Opthalmoscope/Retinoscope Battery Handle
- Keeler Otoscope Practioner F.O
- Keeler Pocket Ophthalmoscope
- Keeler pocket ophthalmoscope
- Keeler Pocket Ophthalmoscope
- Keeler Pocket Ophthalmoscope
- Keeler portable Ophthalmascope
- Keeler Practitioner Ophthalmoscope/Otoscope Set
- Keeler Practitioner wall mounted Ophthalmoscope an
- Keeler Professional Ophthalmoscope
- Keeler professional ophthalmoscope
- Keeler Professional Ophthalmoscope in case
- Keeler Professional Ophthalmoscope Ret Set
- Keeler professional ophthalmoscope unused
- Keeler Professional Opthalmoscope
- Keeler Professional Opthalmoscope 3.5V Lithium
- Keeler Professional Opthalmoscope 3.6V Bulb
- Keeler Professional Opthalmoscope 3.6V Lithium
- Keeler Professional Retinoscope
- Keeler professional retinoscope
- Keeler Professional Retinoscope and Specialist Oph
- Keeler Professional Streak Retinoscope 3.6V Bulb
- Keeler pulsair
- Keeler pulsair
- Keeler Pulsair Desktop Tonometer
- Keeler pulsair desktop tonometer
- Keeler Pulsair EasyEye
- Keeler Pulsair EyesEye non contact Tonometer
- Keeler Pulsair EyesEye non contact Tonometer
- Keeler Pulsair intelliPuff
- Keeler Pulsair intelliPuff NCT
- Keeler retinoscope and ophthalmoscope
- Keeler Slit Lamp Camera with Kapture Imaging Soft
- Keeler Specialist
- Keeler Specialist Diagnostic Set with a box
- Keeler Specialist ophthalmoscope
- Keeler specialist ophthalmoscope
- Keeler specialist Ophthalmoscope
- Keeler Specialist Ophthalmoscope
- Keeler Specialist Ophthalmoscope
- keeler specialist ophthalmoscope
- Keeler Specialist Ophthalmoscope 2.8V Boxed
- Keeler Specialist Ophthalmoscope 3.6v LATEST MODEL
- Keeler Specialist Ophthalmoscope and retinoscope
- Keeler Specialist Ophthalmoscope set + medic head
- Keeler Specialist Ophthalmoscope with box
- Keeler specialist Ophthalmoscope with box
- Keeler Specialist Ophthalmoscope with box
- Keeler Specialist Ophthalmoscope with box
- Keeler Specialist Ophthalmoscope with Box and spar
- Keeler specialist ophthalmoscope, charger
- Keeler Spectacle ID ophthalmoscope
- Keeler Standard Diagnostic Set
- Keeler Standard Fibre Optic Set Ophthalmoscope
- Keeler Standard Otoscope and ophthalmoscope
- Keeler Standard Otoscope and Ophthalmoscope
- Keeler Standard Portable Diagnostic Set opthalmosc
- Keeler streak Ret and standard ophthalmoscope
- Keeler Student Specialist Ophthalmoscope and Retin
- Keeler Student Specialist Set
- Keeler Vintage Heavy Ophthalmoscope
- Keeler Vista 20 Diagnostic Set of Ophthalmoscope a
- Keeler Vista Diagnostic Set Ophthalmoscope and Oto
- Keeler Vista Ophthalmoscope
- Keeler Vista Ophthalmoscope and Otoscope
- Keeler Vista Otoscope and Ophthalmoscope in worki
- Keeler Vista retinoscope Diagnostic Set with a cas
- Keeler Vista Spot Retinoscope 2.8V With Handle
- Keeler Vista Streak-am retinoscope
- Keeler wall mounted handles for ret/ote/ophthalmos
- Kelvin 1 position Keratometer
- Kelvin slit lamp & table
- Keratometer
- keratometer
- Keratometer
- Keratometer 2 position
- Keratometers
- Keratron Scout Topographer for parts
- Kieran - free embossing Medium
- Kira
- Kookai Madison
- kowa camera
- Kowa fundus camera nonmyd a-d
- Kowa HA-2 Portable Tonometer
- Kowa non-mid camera plus elec table
- Kowa Non-Myd 7
- Kowa non-myd 7 fundus camera
- Kowa Non-Myd 7 Fundus Camera
- KOWA nonmyd Alpha D camera
- Kowa Nonmyd 10 Mega 7 Fundus Retinal Camera
- Kowa Nonmyd 10 Mega 7 Fundus Retinal Camera
- Kowa Nonmyd 7 fundus camera
- Kowa Portable Slit Lamp Microscope
- kowa sl-5 slit lamp
- Lab glazing equipment
- lab trays x 924
- Lab Trays-assorted colours-mainly Green
- Laboratory Sink stainless Steel
- Lakeside
- Lang No 2 Car & Elephant
- Lang Stereo No 1 Test
- Lang stereotest
- Large Gloss Bags
- Large Matt Bag
- Large Microfibre 8
- Large Plastic Case (7 lens max) Black
- Large Plastic Case (Max 7 lens) Blue
- Large set of drawers
- Large stock of Opal frames O+/Owlet
- Laser Coherent Ultima 2000
- Law in Optometric Practice
- Lazer plus frames
- LCD Chart Rodenstock/Tomey CV-1000P
- Lea Pedriatric Acuity Test Puzzle
- LED Near Vision Pad
- LED Near Vision Pad
- Lens clock 1.53
- Lens Cup Holder
- Lens edge polisher Double Buff
- Lens edger, blocker and tracer
- Lens Groover
- Lens tray insert for domi case
- Lensometer / Focimeter Ophthalmic equipment
- Libero
- Light/IR/UV Spectrometer
- Lindberg UV oven
- LM8 lensmeter
- Lockable frame display panel
- Lockable frame display rods
- Lockable frame display rods
- Logmar 3m Folding Board
- Logmar 4m ETDRS Chart 1 Original
- Logmar 4m ETDRS Chart R Original
- Louis stone confirmation flippers
- Louis Stone Digital Pupillometer LS117 As New
- Lumber
- Macro clean 11680
- Macular Degeneration vision Improvement
- Macuscope 800-404-4170 Parts only
- Maddox Phoria Measure
- Maddox rod red twirl
- Maddox wing
- Maddox Wing
- Maddox Wing
- Maddox wing test
- Madox wing
- Magnon B&L type keratometer
- Magnon Keratometer
- Magnon Keratometer
- Magnon Keratometer
- Magnon LCD Acuity Device LC-190 Ver 1.0.4 *Mfd 202
- Mainline Duo main pump
- mainline large filtration tanks
- Mainline supra groover
- Mallett Evans
- Mallett Near Vision Unit Ophthalmic Equipment (wit
- Manual Lens Meter Focimeter
- Manual phoropter Topcon VT-10
- Medium Gloss Bags
- Medium Matt Bag
- Medium Plastic Case (4 lens Max) Black
- Medium Plastic Case (4 Lens Max) Blue
- Mediworks Slit Lamp
- Medmont Field Bowl
- Medmont M600 Visual Fields Tester
- Medmont M600 Visual Fields Tester
- Medmont M700 Automated Perimeter
- Medmont M700 Visual Field Screener
- Medtronic Solan TONO-PEN XL
- Mentor Tono-pen XL Handheld Tonometer without cap
- Metal Display Panels
- Metal sussex vision confirmation test +/-0.25 +/-0
- Microfibre Bag
- Mini-Scleral Lens inserter rings
- Miscellaneous frames
- Model eye
- Modern display lights fixtures
- Modop Optical Trial Lens Set in Carry case
- Modop Optical Trial Lens Set in wooden Carry case
- Modop YZ5FI Slit lamp
- Motarized table for small room
- motorised double table
- Motorised Table
- Motorised Table
- Motorised Table
- Motorised Zeiss table
- MPOD Tinsley Macular Screener
- Mr Orange
- Mr. Blue 2.0 with Essibox
- Multifunctional Visual Chart C901
- National Optronics 2G lens surface generator
- Naugle Mirror Exophthalmometer
- Naxos
- Near Mallet Vision Unit Eye Test Light Box
- Near Vision Reading Charts
- Near vision testing chart
- Near vision unit
- Near Vision Unit
- Neitz LM-P2 Manual focimeter
- Neitz Microscope
- Neitz Slit lamp and Keratometer
- Never used 78D volk lens case
- New lens block remover plier
- New prism bar
- New Shin-Nippon LM-15 Lensmeter
- New trial set and case
- New wall mounted soap dispenser
- Nexy - Next Sight Fundus Camera
- NHS frames
- Nidek AFC-210 Fundus camera (complete package int
- Nidek 7070 SX 3D fit
- Nidek AFC 210 non mydriatic camera
- Nidek AFC 210 non mydriatic camera
- Nidek AFC-210
- Nidek AFC-210 just for parts
- Nidek AFC-230 Non-Mydriatic Auto Fundus Camera
- Nidek AFC-330
- nidek calibration jig
- Nidek Fundus Camera
- Nidek ICE 1000
- Nidek LE1000 Glazing Machine
- Nidek Lensmeter 1200
- NIDEK LEX-1000 Patternless Edger
- Nidek Lexce 300120
- Nidek Lexce 301336
- NIDEK LM-990A Focimeter
- nidek lm600p uv
- Nidek LT900 Tracer
- Nidek nct nt 2000
- Nidek NM-1000 Type D Portable Fundus Camera
- Nidek non contact tonometer with pachymeter NT-530
- Nidek NT - 2000
- nidek parternless edger Swivel Lens Clamp
- NIDEK RT-5100 + Projector cp-770
- nidek rt2100
- NIDEK SC-1600
- Nidek SL-250 Slit Lamp
- Nidek Slit Lamp SL-250
- Nidek SSC330 Space Saving Chart
- Nidek tonometer NT -2000
- Nidex 3D-fit Paternless Edger LE 9000SX
- Nidex 7070 arm
- Nidex LE 7070 Panel Sheet
- Nietz SL-J slitlamp
- Nikon 20 Diopter Lens
- Nikon Chart Projector NP-3
- Nikon Lens Manual Lensmeter /Focimeter
- Nikon Light
- Nikon OL7 Lens Meter
- Nikon Phoropter Auto Optester OT-8 Remote Vision
- Non contact tonometer
- Norville Atuoflow/ ultrasonic cleaner
- Norville thickness calipers
- Nupolar lenses
- NW6
- NW65 Fundus Camera With Table
- Oakley Display Cabinet 5 Tier LED light
- Oakley glasses cabinet
- Oakley Sunglass Cabinet
- OBF Tonometer
- Occuity
- Occuity PM1 Pachymeter
- OCT and the Optic Nerve
- OCT angiography
- OCT lens to check anterior eye with extras
- Octopus 300
- Ocular Abraham Yag Iridectomy Lens
- Ocular Anatomy and Histology
- Ocular Anatony and Histology
- Ocular Mainster PRP 165
- Ocular OI High Mag 78
- ocular syndromes
- ocular syndromes and systemic diseases
- Oculus 1/2 Eye Adult Trial Frame Adjustable
- Oculus Adult 1/2 Eye - Fixed Bridge
- Oculus Childrens 1/2 Eye - Fixed Bridge
- Oculus cross cyl with 0.25 on the handle
- Oculus cross cyl with 0.50 on the handle
- Oculus Easyfield
- Oculus metal adjustable trial frame
- Oculus refraction unit
- Oculus UB 3+ Universal Trial Frame
- Oculus UB4 Trial Frame
- Office Chair
- Office Reception desk
- oftas one
- OG3M Three Mirror 18mm lens
- Old style Opthalmoscope & Retinoscope Handles
- Ophthalmic Lenses
- Ophthalmic Manual Phoropter Vision Tester
- ophthalmic refraction lenses with case
- Ophthalmology
- Ophthalmology
- Ophthalmology at a Glance
- Ophthalmology picture test
- Ophthalmometer keratometer Topcon OMTE-1
- Ophthalmoscope
- Ophthalmoscope
- Ophthalmoscope and spot retinoscope
- Ophthalmoskop Heine Modell Miroflex 2
- Opthalmoscope and Otoscope
- Optical Displays x 7
- optical electric chair
- Optical instrument Table
- Optical Lens Trial Set Wood Case
- Optical table to fit 2 instruments
- Optical Trial Lenses
- Optician Focal Gauge
- Optician stool
- Opticians Display Cabinet x 7
- Opticlar
- Opticlar - Pocket Diagnostic Set - Twin Wall Unit
- Optics
- Optics
- optics and the eye
- Optics by A H Tunnacliffe and J G Hirst
- Optics Ninth edition
- Optics Ninth edition
- Optics of Contact Lenses
- Optics Tunnacliffe & Hirst
- optisoft practice software
- Optokinetic Drum
- Optomed Smartscope M5
- Optopol PTS920 visual field screener
- Original Antique Boxed Opticians Lenses Set
- Original Nidek table stand
- Original Stereo Fly Stereotest and Glasses
- OST wheelchair accessible motorised chair
- Otoscope Opthalmoscope set
- Oval Black on White/30
- Oval Black on Clear Complete Price/30
- Oval Black on Clear Frame Only/30
- Oval, Red on Clear/30
- Oval,black on clear/30
- P.D rule
- Pair of Indirect Retinoscopes
- Pal id
- Palletised Transit Cartons 1183 x 783 x 672
- Palletised Transit Cartons 783 x 583 x 672
- Palmscan VF2000 Visual Fields Analyser
- Pan Ret 2.2 Volk Blue
- Pan Ret 2.2 Volk Gold
- Pan Ret 2.2 Volk Green
- Pan Ret 2.2 Volk Purple
- Pan Ret 2.2 Volk Red
- Pan Ret 2.2 Volk Silver
- Pan Retinal 2.2 Volk Black
- Parabolic Giant Glass
- Paradigm LD700 Portable Field Analyser
- Peak scale loupe
- Pedestal display
- Pen Torch
- Perkins Tonometer
- Phantom 9 pot tint bath
- Phoropter
- Phoropter arm
- Phoropter arm for FISO or Frastema unit
- Photochromic Lenses
- Physiology of the Eye by Davson
- Planet frames
- Plastic Button Tag 1
- Plastic Button Tag 3
- Plastic Label Carrier
- Polar Instrument Table
- polarized filters
- Polishing / buffing wheels
- Polishing Motor
- Pool
- Portable Fundus camera Nidek VersaCam DS-10F
- Portable indirect ophthalmoscope
- Portable Lensmeter
- Portable Test Chart
- POS Dispensing Unit
- Potec Auto Ref Keratometer PRK-5000
- Power Supply
- Powered table
- Practical Ophthalmic Lenses
- Practical Orthoptics in Treatment of Squint
- Practice Chairs
- Practice Chairs NO VAT set of 6
- Practice refit
- Practitioner Chair Black
- Practitioner Chair Black - foot ring
- Practitioner Stool
- Practitioner Stool - Foot Ring
- Premier Microfibre Cloth 6 x 4 Black/charcoal
- Premier Microfibre Cloth 6 x 4 Buff
- Premier Microfibre Cloth 6 x 4 Burgundy
- Premier Microfibre Cloth 6 x 4 Gold
- Premier Microfibre Cloth 6 x 4 Grey
- Premier Microfibre Cloth 6 x 4 Light blue
- Premier Microfibre Cloth 6 x 4 Light green
- Premier Microfibre Cloth 6 x 4 Navy
- Premier Microfibre Cloth 6 x 4 White
- Premier Microfibre Small Burgundy
- Premier Microfibre Small black/charcoal
- Premier Microfibre Small Buff
- Premier Microfibre Small Grey
- Premier Microfibre Small Light blue
- Premier Microfibre Small Orange
- Premier Microfibre Small pale green
- Premier Microfibre Small Royal Blue
- Premier Microfibre Small White
- Price Cube / 20
- Price Cubes / 260
- Price Includes... /bx 250
- Price plus your own wording
- Primary Care of the Anterior Segment
- primary eye care
- Principles of anatomy and physiology
- Principles of Ophthalmic Lenses
- Principles of Ophthalmic Lenses
- Printed Large Microfibre 8
- Printed Premier 12 x 12 Beige
- Printed Premier Microfibre 6
- Printed Premier Microfibre Small
- Printing
- Prism bar set of H and V
- Prism+Retinoscopy bars+Maddox wing
- Professional opthalmoscope Head only
- Pulsair Easyeye Tonometer
- Pulsair Keeler Tonometer
- Pulse Motor Deiver E31 for LE-9000Express
- Pupillometer
- Pupilometer
- Pupilometer
- Pupilometer
- Pupilometer
- RAF rule
- Random Dot Stereo Butterfly test
- Rayner trial lenses
- Receipt printer
- Reception desk
- Reception desk
- Reception Desk
- Reception desk
- Record card holder
- Rectangular Table
- Reduced aperture Lenses and Table
- Refraction Mirrors
- Refractorhead
- Reichart autolensmeter AL200
- Reichert 7
- Reichert 7 Auto Tonometer
- Reichert NCT MK 2 ( S/N 100482 )
- Reichert Phoroptor
- Remote control for Tomey projector
- Replacement Volk Case Black
- Retail 7 Slatboard Display with Mounts for Spectac
- Retinal camera upgrade adapters
- Retinomax Case
- Retinomax K plus
- Retinoscope
- Righton auto phoropter RemoteVision
- Righton phoropter RV-II with LCD screen
- Righton RemoteVision phoropter, just parts
- Rigid gas-permeable lens fitting
- River
- Rock 'N' Roll
- Rodenstock AL-4400
- Rodenstock Keratometer 200
- Rodenstock Keratometer Vintage
- Rodenstock Lensometer / Focimeter
- Rodenstock NCT400 for spares
- Rodenstock RO4000 Slit Lamp Nr. 368164/N1
- Rodenstock Slit Lamp Nr. 363470
- Rodenstock Slit Lamp Nr.363097
- Rodenstock Slit Lamp,Nr.368620/R4
- Romanes Occluder
- Rondo Unit
- Rotating chart box
- Rotating Lift Stool
- Run of 3 drawers
- S150 Portable Slit Lamp
- Sag & Lap Guage
- Sale stickers /bx 250
- Santa Domingo Spectacle Case
- Season
- Security Mirror
- Self Study Course for Optometric Assisting 2nd Ed.
- Set of cross cyls
- Set of Cross cyls
- Set of Specialist Opthamscope and Retinoscope
- Sheridan Gardiner test
- Sheridan Gardiner Test - Never Used
- Sheridan Gardiner Test Never Used
- Sheridan test
- SHIN - NIPPON SL203 Slit Lamp
- Shin Nippon 9001 Autorefractor
- Shin Nippon Accuref K-900
- Shin nippon autofocimeter
- Shin Nippon CP-500 projector
- Shin nippon focimeter
- Shin Nippon LM25
- Shin Nippon SL TM-B-44 Applanation Tonometer
- Shin Nippon SL TME Applantation Tonometer
- Short Trial Lens Set in Case Reduced Aperture
- Silhouette formas
- Silt lamp with table
- Single Case W/Custom Engraving
- Single Large Display Unit Concept S lockable
- Single part plastic carrier labels 15mm arms
- Single part plastic carrier labels 23mm arms
- SL 25 slit lamp
- SL25 slit lamp
- Slip on Tag 833-Gold
- Slip on Tag 801-gold
- Slip on Tag 801-white
- Slip on Tag 808-Gold
- Slip on Tag 808-Silver
- Slip on Tag 808-White
- Slip on Tag 820 White
- Slip on Tag 820-Frosted
- Slip on Tag 820-Silver
- Slip on tag 833-Silver
- Slip on tag 833-White
- Slip On Tags 801-silver
- Slit Lamp- Mitron SL40 Ziess
- Slit -lamp
- Slit Lamp + Column
- Slit Lamp - Nidek 250
- Slit lamp CSO
- Slit lamp on double instrument lable
- Slit lamp Sbisa
- Slit Lamp table auxiliary
- Slit lamp with mechanical table
- Slitlamp on table
- Small Bag Gloss
- Small CIOM trial case
- Small Matt Bag
- Small White Oval Label
- Smaller lots of Opal frames
- Smartscope Pro Fundus and FA
- Snellen 6m Panel DVLA standard
- Snellen Chart
- Snellen light box test chart
- Snellen Test Chart (6m)
- Soldering unit 06050
- Spec Savers Lens
- Specialist Ophthalmoscope
- Specialist Ophthalmoscope
- Specialist Ophthalmoscope + Pro Retinoscope Kit
- Specialist Ophthalmoscope head only
- specialist/vista ophthalmoscope bulbs/2
- Specialty Contact lenses A Fitters Guide
- Specs. for Wirt Fly Test
- Spectacle Cases
- spectacle display unit
- Spectacle frames
- Spectacle frames
- Spectacle frames Matrix
- Spectacle frames x 11
- Spectacle frames x16
- Spectacle stand
- Spectacular frames Eye Wear Cafe
- Spectacular frames Pack 2
- Spectacular frames Pack 3
- Spectrometer Phillip Harris
- Spherometer
- Spot retinoscope
- Spring Cell Trial Frame
- Stearman Refracting Unit
- Stereo Fly Glasses
- Stereo Fly NEW NO VAT
- Stereo Fly test with polarising spectacles
- Stereo Test / Titmus Fly Test
- Stool
- Storage cupboard
- Straylight Meter
- Sunglass stand NO VAT 80 holders
- Super 66 Volk Lens Black
- Super 66 Volk Lens Blue
- Super 66 Volk Lens Gold
- Super 66 Volk Lens Green
- Super 66 Volk Lens Purple
- Super 66 Volk Lens Red
- Super 66 Volk Lens Silver
- Super Pupil XL Volk Lens
- Super VF & Superfield Volk Lens Set
- Super VitreoFundus Volk Lens
- SuperField and Super 66 Volk Lens Set
- SuperField Volk Lens Black
- SuperField Volk Lens Blue
- SuperField Volk Lens Gold
- SuperField Volk Lens Green
- SuperField Volk Lens Purple
- SuperField Volk Lens Red
- SuperField Volk Lens Silver
- Supra Groover
- Surfacing Equipment
- Sussex vision headwidth caliper
- Sussman 4 mirror hand held gonioscopy lens
- Switched Domi Chart with DFDU
- Table - electric
- Table Top
- Takagi AT-1 tonometer new in box
- Takagi LM-10 Focimeter
- Takagi LM10 Lensmeter
- Takagi Phoropter accessory set
- Takubomatic - Lens Drilling Machine DM-3
- Takubomatic Supra Groover
- Taunton
- Test chair
- Test chart
- Test Chart
- Test Chart
- Test chart box
- Test chart box
- Test room chair
- Test room wall mirror
- Test Screen Polarised XL wide screen NO VAT
- Testing Chair
- Testing Chair in Perfect Working order
- Testing Equipment
- The Contact lens Manual
- The Contact Lens Manual
- The Contact Lens Manual (2nd edition)
- The Contact Lens Manual (3rd edition)CD
- The Contact Lens Manual + CD-Rom. 4th Edition
- The Contact Lens Manual a practical fitting guide
- The Cornea
- the eponymous people in the wide world of optics
- The eye in systemic disease
- The Human Eye Structure and Function
- The Principle of ophthalmic lenses
- The Principle of ophthalmic lenses
- The Principles and Practice of Refraction
- The Principles of Ophthalmic Lenses
- The principles of opthalmic lenses
- The Tear Film
- The Topcon TRC-50EX retinal camera
- The Wills Eye Manual
- The Wills Eye Manual
- Tinsley M Pod
- Tinsley M Pod
- Tint Bath
- Tint Bath 9 pot
- TKS 5000 (Spares or Repair)
- Tomey TL-2000B Auto Lensmeter
- Tono-pen
- Tonocare 2
- Tonometer
- Tonometer Mentor Tono-pen LTD
- Tonometer Mentor Tono-pen XL
- Tonometer Nidek NT-2000 MIII
- TONOMETER NIDEK NT-2000 Non-Contact Tonometer
- Tonometer Reichert for Parts
- Tonopen Ocu-Film Tip Covers
- tool rack
- Topcon ACP-4 Auto Chart Projector
- Topcon ACP-8
- TOPCON Auto Chart Projector ACP-8 with Remote
- Topcon CV 5000 Pro
- topcon cv2500
- Topcon DC3
- Topcon Keratometer
- Topcon KR-8100 Auto Kerato-Refractometer
- Topcon Lensmeter
- Topcon LM8 Focimeter
- Topcon Manual Focimeter
- Topcon Non-Mydriatic Fundus Camera
- topcon nw100 fundus camera
- Topcon NW400
- Topcon NW5
- Topcon NW5 Camera w/software
- topcon nw5s fundus camera
- Topcon NW5S Fundus Camera
- Topcon nw6
- Topcon NW6 + software >10 years
- TOPCON NW6 - For Parts
- Topcon NW6 fundus camera
- Topcon NW6 Fundus Camera
- Topcon NW6S
- Topcon NW6S
- Topcon NW6S
- Topcon NW6S
- Topcon NW6S
- Topcon NW6S Fundus Camera
- Topcon NW8 Fundus Camera
- Topcon NW8 Fundus camera
- Topcon OM-4 for parts
- Topcon ophthalmic table
- Topcon Phoropter Arm
- Topcon phoropter arm (New)
- Topcon phoropter head with phoropter arm
- Topcon SL-2D Slit Lamp
- topcon sl-2d slit lamp with haag streit tonometer
- Topcon SL-3C slit lamp with a table
- Topcon SL-8Z Goldman attachment
- Topcon Slit Lamp SL-3E With a Table
- Topcon TP400
- Topcon TRC NW5S
- Topcon TRC NW6s with digital Nikon D70s camera
- TOPCON TRC NW8 Fundus Camera untested
- Topcon TRC NW8 Non my-driatic retinal Camera
- Topcon TRC-NW6S non-mydriatic retinal camera
- Topcon TRC-NW7SF Mark II complete station
- Topcon TRC-NW8 Fundus Camera
- Topcon TRC-NW8 Retinal Camera
- Topcon TRC.NW6S
- Topcon VT-SD Phoropter
- Topcon VT-SE Manual Phoropter
- Toughening machine
- Transequator lens
- TRC NW100 Fundus Camera
- Trial Frame
- Trial frame BRAND NEW
- Trial lens boxes
- Trial lens case OCULUS for BK1 set
- Trial Lens Set
- Trial Lens Set - Missing 4 Lenses
- Trial Lens Set in Wood Case
- Trial Lens set NO VAT,
- Trial Lens Set.
- Trial Lenses
- Trial Lenses Optical Testing Set with Case
- Trial Set with accessories
- Two Height Adjustable Tables
- Two Optician Focal gauge for testing
- Two Position Keratometer
- U V Inspection Lamp
- Ultra Sonic Cleaner
- Ultrasonic Bath
- Ultrasonic Bath
- ultrasonic cleaner
- Used frame heater
- Used Fundus Camera NW6S for spares
- Used Keratometer
- used mallet for near vision
- used malletts near vision unit
- Used Nidek Lexce D edger
- Used optical practice equipment
- Used Practice chairs x 5
- Used Sheridan Gardiner Tes
- Used Trial Frame
- Used Trial lens Set
- UV Lamp
- UV optical lens checker
- UV Safety Analyzer
- UV Sterilizer
- Valpo
- Vantage Indirect Opthalmoscope
- Ventilette Spectacle Frame Hot Air Heater 800WATT
- Ventilette Variable Frame Heater Model 3
- Vertical display bars/rods
- VHTO Visual Acuity Card 3m
- VIAL Clamper
- ViewOK, anti fog cloth
- Vintage Keeler Specialist Opthalmoscope
- Vintage light box for eye test
- Vintage Magnon LM350 Lensmeter/Focimeter Refurbish
- Vintage Mallett Unit Near Vision
- Vintage Marple Morton Ophthalmoscope
- Vintage Ophthalmoscope with case
- Vintage Otoscope
- Vintage Otoscope in Working Condition
- Vintage Topcon Keratometer
- Vintage trial lenses
- Vintage Used Test Chart Box
- Vintage wood eye testight box
- Vinyl Label "Polarised Clip-on's"
- Visante™OCT Anterior Segment Imaging/parts only
- Vision screen
- Vista Ophthalmoscope and spot retinoscope set
- Visual Fields
- Visual Optics
- Visual Optics
- Visualize progressive marking reader
- Volk 15D
- Volk 20D ACS (Autoclaveable)
- Volk 20D Black
- Volk 20D lens with yellow filter
- Volk 28D Black
- Volk 28D Blue
- Volk 28D Gold
- Volk 28D Green
- Volk 28D Purple
- Volk 28D Red
- Volk 28D Silver
- Volk 3 Mirror Gonio Laser Lens
- Volk 3 piece Digital lenes set with case
- Volk 30D Large Clear
- Volk 30D small clear
- Volk 60D
- Volk 78D Double Aspheric Lens
- Volk Blumenthal Suturelysis lens
- Volk Capsulotomy (Yag) lens
- Volk Centralis Direct
- Volk Diagnostic and Therapeutic Opthalmoscopic len
- Volk Digital High Mag Lens
- Volk Digital Wide Field Lens
- Volk Double Aspheric 20D Lens
- Volk Double Aspheric 28D Lens
- Volk Double Aspheric 30D Bio Indirect Lens
- Volk Double Aspheric 78D lens
- Volk Double Aspheric Iridectomy Lens USA
- Volk Equator plus lens
- Volk Fundus 20
- Volk Fundus Lens
- Volk G-3 Goniofundus (NF)
- Volk G3 Goniofundus
- Volk G4 Goniolaser - Flanged
- Volk G4 Goniolaser -No Flange
- Volk G4 Goniolaser 2 in 1 handle
- Volk HR Centralis lens
- Volk Iridectomy
- Volk Lens 78D
- Volk Magplus Iridectomy Lens
- Volk PDT Laser Lens
- Volk PDT laser lens
- Volk Pictor Fundus Camera
- Volk Precision Optical Lens Cleaner Wipes
- Volk QuadrAspheric Laser Lens
- Volk SLT Lens
- Volk Super Field NC Lens
- Volk Super VitreoFundus
- Volk Superquad 160
- Volk Surgical Gonio Lens
- Volk Transcend Vold Gonio TVG Surgical ans
- Volk VistaView portable camera, brand new
- Volk/Keeler Double Aspheric 20D Lens
- Waiting Area Chairs x 5
- Waiting room chairs x 4
- Waiting Room Practice Chairs
- Wales
- Wall mounted and free standing lockable units
- Weco Cad 5
- Weco edge 430
- Weco/Visionix E.32 lens edger
- Weich Allyn Ophthalmoscope/ Ret/ Panoptic set
- Welch allyn 3.5 otoscope/ophthalmoscope
- Welch Allyn 767 series wall mounted Ophthalmoscope
- Welch Allyn Bulbs
- Welch Allyn Desktop Charger unit only
- Welch Allyn Model 74716 Wall toscope Ophthalmoscop
- Welch Allyn Ophthalmoscope and Otoscope
- Welch Allyn Ophthalmoscope and Otoscope with 1 Han
- Welch Allyn Ophthalmoscope with C-Cell Handle
- Welch Allyn Ophthalmoscope with charging unit
- Welch Allyn otoscope
- Welch Allyn Otoscope and Opthalmoscope with chargin
- Welch Allyn Otoscope head only
- Welch Allyn Pocket Ophthalmoscope
- Welchallyn iExaminer
- Wellington
- Welsh Alleyn coaxial ophthalmoscope
- Welsh Allyn Ophthalmoscope
- Wheel Chair ramp portable NO VAT
- Wheelchair accessible Table
- Wheeled Domi Case
- Wide field volk lens
- Wills Eye Manual
- Wirt/Titmus Fly Test w/specs
- Wolffs Anatomy of eye and Orbit
- Worked Problems in Ophthalmic Lenses
- Worked Problems in Opthalmic lenses
- world Books
- Zeiss Ancar GR-860 table- Used
- Zeiss Electric Table
- Zeiss Electric Table
- Zeiss FDT Response Button
- Zeiss GDxVCC for spares
- Zeiss Humphrey 720i
- Zeiss Humphrey 720i
- ZEISS Humphrey 720i HFA II Field Screener + Table
- Zeiss Humphrey Automatic Lensmeter/ Focimeter
- ZEISS Humphrey lensmeter 350
- Zeiss Humphrey’s 720i USB
- Zeiss Humphrey’s 740
- Zeiss Humphrey’s 740i
- Zeiss I terminal 2
- Zeiss i.Terminal 2
- ZEISS i.Terminal 2
- Zeiss IOL Master (software version 3.xx)
- ZEISS IOL Master Version 5
- Zeiss pro nm fundus camera for spares
- Zeiss Slit lamp SL115
- Zeiss table Ancar GR-8610/860
- Zeiss Visucam Pro NM
- ZEISS VISUPLAN 500 Non-contact Tonometer
- Zeiss Visuscout fundus camera
- Zeiss wheelchair friendly power table
- £ or € Cube / 20
- £10 with NHS voucher /bx 250
- £20 with NHS voucher /bx 250
- £30 with NHS voucher /bx 250
- £40 with NHS voucher bx/250
- £50 with NHS Voucher bx/250
- £60 with NHS Voucher bx/250
- £70 with NHS voucher bx/250
- 'Ophthalmology, Lecture Notes' - Bruce James.
- +/- confirmation stick
- ..For kids stickers /bx 250
- 0.25/0.50
- 1 x NIDEK ME-1000 and 1 x NIDEK ICE-1000
- 1/2 eye Trial Frame
- 11625 Reichert Phoropter
- 15% off Stickers bx/250
- 16 black spectacle cords
- 196 Frames
- 2 for 1 /bx 250
- 2 jenson frames
- 2 Step Keratometer
- 2 X fully working chart projectors, with 1 remote
- 20% off stickers bx/250
- 200 push fit silicone nose pads
- 200 screw fit nose pads
- 20D Lenses for indirect ophthalmoscopy
- 20D Volk Lens Blue
- 20D Volk Lens Gold
- 20D Volk Lens Green
- 20D Volk Lens Purple
- 20D Volk Lens Red
- 20D Volk Lens Silver
- 25% off stickers/bx 250
- 27x Jai Kudo Frames
- 2x Mewscraft Display Stands
- 3.5v coaxial welch allyn ophthalmoscope
- 30% Off Sticker bx/250
- 38 Clip-On Polarized Sunglasses
- 3D Logo making
- 3M Kay picture test
- 3M Laminated Test Type OAX/E non-reflective
- 3m Logmar Cabinet
- 3M Logmar Chart Stand on Castors
- 4 Countertop items
- 40 ml Lens Spray
- 4m Logmar Cabinet
- 4M Logmar Chart Stand on Castors
- 50% off stickers /bx 250
- 56 frame led glasses display 56 frame
- 60D VOLK lens
- 6M Laminated Test Type DVLA
- 6M Laminated Test With Kindergarten Card
- 707 EYE number plate
- 78D Double Aspheric Lens & Case
- 78D Volk Lens Black
- 78D Volk Lens Blue
- 78D Volk Lens Gold
- 78D Volk Lens Green
- 78D Volk Lens Purple
- 78D Volk Lens Red
- 78D Volk Lens Silver
- 9 Kangol Ladies Frames
- 9 pot Tint Bath
- 90D Volk Lens Black
- 90D Volk Lens Blue
- 90D Volk Lens Gold
- 90D Volk Lens Green
- 90D Volk Lens Purple
- 90D Volk Lens Red
- 90D Volk Lens Silver