Bobes Slit Lamp & Table

Was: £375.00, Now £250.00

Reference: OMP4946 Age: Unknown Location: Derbyshire

Bobes Slit Lamp & Table

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Bobes Slit Lamp with 2 position Keratometer on twin hydraulic table

Both require slight attention.

Slit lamp: Connected to hydraulic table but as its been tugged and pulled on over the course of a couple of years by my kiddy patients it'll probably need securing a little (see pic 2) and the slit lamp re-aligning

Keratometer: I have lost the connection which enables me to connect the keratometer to the hydraulic table
Both work, slit lamp used daily up until recent upgrade.

Both Easily sorted and it wont take long at all, could use for spare consulting room (locums or pre regs??)

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